Docker Desktop for Windows#

Download from Docker Hub

What to know before you install#

System Requirements#

  • Windows 10 64-bit: Pro, Enterprise, or Education (Build 16299 or later).

  • Hyper-V and Containers Windows features must be enabled.

  • The following hardware prerequisites are required to successfully run Client Hyper-V on Windows 10

Install Docker Desktop on Windows#

  1. Double-click Docker Desktop Installer.exe to run the installer.

  2. When prompted, ensure the Enable Hyper-V Windows Features option is selected on the Configuration page.

  3. Follow the instructions on the installation wizard to authorize the installer and proceed with the install.

  4. When the installation is successful, click Close to complete the installation process.

  5. If your admin account is different to your user account, you must add the user to the docker-users group. Run Computer Management as an administrator and navigate to Local Users and Groups > Groups > docker-users. Right-click to add the user to the group. Log out and log back in for the changes to take effect.

Config Desktop#

  1. Settings -> Resources -> ADVANCED -> Disk image location -> Browse

  2. Settings -> Resources -> FILE SHARING -> Resources

  3. Settings -> Docker Engine

  "registry-mirrors": ["","",""],
  "insecure-registries": [],
  "debug": true,
  "experimental": false
