Pig Grunt Shell#

Shell Commands#

sh Command#

grunt> sh shell command parameters
grunt> sh ls

fs Command#

grunt> sh File System command parameters
grunt> fs -ls /

Utility Commands#

clear Command#

grunt> clear

help Command#

grunt> help

history Command#

grunt> history

set Command#

Key Description and values
default_parallel You can set the number of reducers for a map job by passing any whole number as a value to this key.
debug You can turn off or turn on the debugging freature in Pig by passing on/off to this key.
job.name You can set the Job name to the required job by passing a string value to this key.
job.priority You can set the job priority to a job by passing one of the following values to this key − very_low, low, normal, high, very_high
stream.skippath For streaming, you can set the path from where the data is not to be transferred, by passing the desired path in the form of a string to this key.

quit Command#

grunt> quit

exec Command#

grunt> exec [–param param_name = param_value] [–param_file file_name] [script]

vi student.txt

hdfs dfs -mkdir /pig_data
hdfs dfs -put ~/pig/student.txt /pig_data

vi sample_script.pig

student = LOAD 'hdfs://localhost:9000/pig_data/student.txt' USING PigStorage(',') 
   as (id:int,name:chararray,city:chararray);
Dump student;
grunt> exec sample_script.pig

kill Command#

grunt> kill JobId
grunt> kill Id_0055

run Command#

grunt> run [–param param_name = param_value] [–param_file file_name] script
grunt> run sample_script.pig
grunt> Dump;

Note − The difference between exec and the run command is that if we use run, the statements from the script are available in the command history.
